Happy Monday!!
I hope y'all had a wonderful week and are enjoying you're summer break. It's so crazy it's already summer time and schools out. Time sure does fly by so fast! (I don't think I will ever stop saying that)
We had transfers on Tuesday. Sister Bray left me :( I sure will miss her but she isn't too far away from me and thankfully I will still be able to see her at meetings. I sure love her. My new companion is Sister Burgess. She is from Alpine, Utah! It's crazy, this is my first companion from Utah. She came out one transfer before me. She just got called to be an STL. She is super fun and cute girl. I am excited for this transfer and to see all the wonderful and amazing miracles.
Some really funny (of course) and wonderful miracles have happened this week and some really difficult times. We are trying to work our hardest and to have a monstrous amount of faith so we can have ever missionary baptize each month. Our zone has started a 40 days fast, meaning one companionship will fast for our zone so we can accomplish our mission vision. I am excited to see the faith, miracles and blessings that come from doing this. We know the Lord is preparing so many people in each of our lives and areas to be baptized. We just need to go out and find them. (Sometimes I wish they could find us... But it's not that easy)
We had a lesson with Graham Tuesday night. His wife Kasey wasn't home, so we just taught him. He didn't come to church last Sunday either and he said he would. His sister had a birthday and she lived down in Richmond, so he went down to celebrate it with her. He has been reading the Book of Mormon and he says he really likes it! :) We had a member out with us, She joined the church about 8 years ago and is truly so amazing. We got on the topic of the word of wisdom, he is a pretty big smoker, and he realized how these things aren't good for him, but he has been using them for so long, he doesn't know if he will be able to stop. Our member was definitely moved by the spirit and shared her story on how before she joined the church she smoked for over 25 years. 2 years before she met the missionaries, she and her husband both had a prompting and decided to quit smoking. Two years later, the missionaries knocked on her door and they joined the church. He was amazed by her faith and her desire to quit. She seriously had the most perfect things to say. He was really touched and moved by the spirit. We all felt the spirit there and it went so well.
Wednesday night, we went to go see Angelique. She is usually always home, so we never have a problem with teaching her. She didn't answer the door, so we started to walk off to our car. She then opened the door all confused, in a little tank top and her underwear. We waved at her and started walking toward her. Next thing we know she is running down the street and her dog started to chase her. Her neighbor was outside and we both ran down the street to see where she was going. We caught up to her and asked her what was going on and if she was okay. She said, "Yes, but take me back home." We took her back home and talked with her for a little. We have no idea what was going on, but it definitely was very strange. Haha we went and saw her again last night and she was in a lot better state of mind this time. She was expressing her desire to be baptized but we aren't sure if she fully gets it and understands the significance of it. But we are trying to explain to her the covenants and the wonderful blessings we receive when we do get baptized. Finally she has been reading the Book of Mormon and has been taking notes, which is really cool.
On Friday we had a member out with us and she had to leave in just a few minutes but we saw this lady sitting on her front steps at a house. We walked up to her and started talking with her. She was visiting the people that lived at the house. We shared a message of the restoration with her. About every 2 minutes, someone from the house would walk outside and join in our conversation. About 10 minutes later the WHOLE house came out, which consisted of about 7 young adult age kids-who were in the process of getting drunk, and 3 adults came and listened as well. They were all so fascinated by what we do and the message that we had. They all wanted to take individual pictures with us as well. It was so funny. We gave them all copies of the Book of Mormon and they were excited to start reading it. Too bad they don't live here.
One of the saddest things happened on Saturday. The Briggs, Micah and Marisa,I talked about them a while ago. Anyway. they were a SOLID, couple and they said if they got to Alma 16 and knew the Book of Mormon was true they would be baptized. Sister Bray and I had no doubt they would be baptized. Well... They ended up dropping off the Face of the earth and we couldn't get a hold of them, which is very terrifying. We stopped by yesterday morning to see them and they told us to come back at 3 and we could talk. Right before we walked off Micah says, "Be ready, I have a lot of questions to ask you." Right then, my heart dropped because I knew he ran into anti-mormons. Well. . . . We got there around 3 and Micah grabs a chair and sits down and just lays it all out there. He ran into major antis about the Book of Mormon and started to get very angry and bashed with us really bad. Marisa just went along with it and agreed with everything he said, which we tried to ask her questions on what she thought and she just kept saying, "yeah, what Micah said." I walked out of there just so sad, I wanted to burst into tears, but I held it in. This is seriously the hardest thing about being a missionary. Seeing someone so solid and into the church and then they say they don't want to learn anymore. I just know the gospel brings so much happiness and it really makes me sad and hurt to see people not want that or accept it. But their time will come soon. I know they have so much potential and will accept this amazing gospel soon.
We are trying to expand our teaching pool because it is slowly starting to go downhill right now. We just need to work hard and know Heavenly Father has people prepared for us. We have found a few cool people this week, but we are still trying to find the solid ones.
Scripture of the week: Alma 8:24- this is when Alma meets Amulek and tells Amulek what he is doing. He says that he is called to preach the word of God to the people by the spirit and revelation. But many people are casting him out and rejecting him. My situation isn't anywhere as bad as Alma's is, but it gives me so much hope. Alma went through so much and he never gave up. He always listened to the Lord and followed the promptings of the spirit. He did just what the Lord asked him to do. I know my situation is easier and I know if I follow the Savior and his promptings, I will be lead and guided to those who want to hear the gospel. There are people everywhere who are searching and ready for the gospel. As missionaries, we just need to work diligently and be obedient in everything that we do and find them!
I love this gospel so much. I am so grateful to be out here serving our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ. Looking down at my name tag everyday makes me so happy and I feel so special to be representing Jesus Christ. I have the best calling in the whole world. I know time is going by so fast and I need to take advantage and do everything I can to be the best disciple of Jesus Christ.
I love y'all so much. I hope you have a wonderful week and always remember that you're getting prayers all the way from Virginia!
Love Sister Brooks :)
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Zone P-day with our crazy/cool shirts |
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My last two minutes with Sister Bray :(
We got caught in a random rainstorm
We caught frogs. . . . . . . then a few seconds later, we found a turtle |
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