I hope y'all have a wonderful day today. Today we have sisters P-day and we are having our ward mission leaders friend, he's an FBI agent, come teach us some self-defense. It's bad to wish for it, but maybe I can use it someday. Maybe I will on Mike, Chris or Ty... Hehe watch out.
Well this week has been pretty crazy. First off, the sun finally came out. I'm slightly praying for rain again because holy cow, it's so humid. We walk outside and we are already sweating and sticky. It's miserable. It's nice though because getting ready is completely pointless, so getting ready in the morning takes about 5 minutes. Only 3-4 for months of this... I can do it haha.
Here's a cool little miracle, last Sunday, this lady who lives right across from the church, her name is Kim, came and talked to our bishop and asked if missionaries (she met with missionaries about 8 years ago) would be able to come over to her house and help her organize her house and also teach her. Our ward mission leader told us about it and we decided to go meet her after church. (Thank goodness it was in our area and not the elders haha) Well, she wasn't home, so we decided to try her a little later. About two days passed and we decided to try her again. She was home! She asked if we could help her organize her house and teach her. (That doesn't happen every day so of course we jumped on the opportunity).
We had interviews with President on Thursday. It’s sad to think that is the last one we will ever have with him because he is leaving July 1. It's crazy we only have one more month with him. It's sad :(. But interviews were great and after, we went and helped Kim clean and did a little lesson with her. She was planning on having a garage sale on Saturday, so we told her we would come help, perfect way to talk to people as well. Saturday rolled around and when we arrived at her house, she told us she wasn't having a garage sale anymore because she didn't feel prepared. She ask if we could please have a lesson with her. We went over a little of the restoration again and then she brought up the Word of Wisdom. She told us she doesn't drink, she likes tea but stopped drinking it last week, loves her coffee but she is willing to substitute hot chocolate instead. She is a HEAVY smoker. She said she has really tried to quit, so this will be really good for her. She needed to go to the "bathroom”, we know it was just to smoke. But she came back and said she took two puffs of the cigarette and it was such a gross taste and she never wanted anymore of it. Holy cow was that a miracle. Out of nowhere she asks, "what do I need to do to be baptized? I want to so bad." We were completely shocked and explained what she needed to do. She is totally on board with it. She wants to try to work towards getting baptized next Sunday, but we will see if that will work out. She told us she would come to church yesterday, but she never did.... We tried to see her throughout the day and see if she was okay, but she was never home. We are meeting with her tomorrow. She is coming to dinner with us at our ward mission leader’s house and we will teach her there.
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With our investigator, Kim |
Speaking of our ward mission leader, holy cow he is amazing!! Let me paint a little picture of what he looks like. He is in his late 40's and has a body exactly like Hunter McArthur. He is TALL and SO SKINNY. He is a crazy runner. He runs about 100 miles a week. This weekend, He is running a 100 mile race. This is his third time doing it. His goal is to get in under 24 hours. He is nuts. Any way, he is so amazing. He calls us every single night to see how we are doing and how our day went. He cares so much about our investigators and always opens his house up to them and us to teach them. We tell him all the set appointments we have for the week and he will get members out for us and coordinate things for us. He makes things so much easier for us. He is so sweet.
Another cool miracle, the first week I was here, I was on exchanges with one of the Hermanas. I was looking through our area book, where the list of all the people that the missionaries have taught are written, and seeing if anyone lived close by. There was this girl named Kasey, but she was dropped. Meaning the missionaries stopped teaching her. We decided to go check her out. She told us she would love to meet with us! We tried back a few times after that but no one was ever home. We tried back earlier this week and met her husband, Graham. We taught him and he said that he was so interested and wanted to learn more. He invited us over the following night to talk to him and his wife more. We were on exchanges that night and I was in the sisters area so I wasn't able to be at the lesson. But Sister Bray said the lesson went so well. They asked what they needed to do to be baptized and come to church. They are super solid. We then went over Saturday night to remind them about church and to see how they were doing. They were so excited and "totally interested in learning more." Well... As you can guess, they didn't come either. So that was frustrating. But we are meeting with them again this week. Hopefully it goes well.
Yesterday was really sad and frustrating. We had 6 solid investigators tell us they were coming to church and were so excited. Only one ended up showing up. He was one of our member’s boyfriend. It was so cool he came, but it was sad not having all our solid people come. Maybe next week they will come to church.
Can you believe it?? Transfer calls are already this weekend. Ahh. It's crazy how fast it goes.
Scripture of the week: 2 Nephi 2:22-25. We have taught and I have studied a little about Adam and Eve this week. It is so amazing to know that God has a plan for everything. I am grateful for this wonderful plan that God has created and I am so grateful for the time I have to be with my family forever. There isn't anything better than that.
I love y'all so much!! I hope you're summer break goes so well and y'all do so many fun things. (Not too much fun though ;) )